Australharmony Biographical Register G Ga-gly

and as they play again on this and to-morrow night time, we hope they’ll meet that patronage they merit. On Wednesday evening some evil disposed, cowardly, and dastardly individual, maliciously minimize the flag belonging to those minstrels in several locations. It is a pity the scoundrel was not caught in the act. We have had the opportunity, on three events, of witnessing the wonderful performances of Mr. and Mrs. Towers, Miss Rosa Towers, and little Katie Towers, at the Protean entertainments given by them within the Town Hall, Perth, on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday evenings final.

Deceased, whose wife, Marian, predeceased him, leaves one brother, William, and two sisters, Lena and Mary (Mrs. Wilkins). Three brothers, Edward, Nicholas, and Henry, predeceased him. The stays 160 Eagle Creek Road, WEROMBI NSW 2570 Australia had been interred in the C.

His musical ability is well known, and his compositions – mainly for military bands – are various and quite a few. On Saturday afternoon, the inspiration stone of the Catherine Hayes Hospital, on the Destitute Children’s Asylum at Randwick, was laid, in the presence of numerous persons . As the procession of girls and gents . Went down the street to the appointed spot, they were preceded by the boys’ new band, who, under the cautious educating of Mr. Gassner, were found to have truly turn out to be proficients,

Isabella MELODIA

and those that had the honour of having fun with his friendship will be disadvantaged of a warm-hearted and noble companion. The deceased gentleman, who was upwards of fifty years old, had been struggling for a substantial time from disease of the heart, mixed with an asthmatic affection; however although it was usually known that the doctor was unwell, the sudden announcement of his death took many unexpectedly. The appointment of organist to St. John’s Church has been conferred on one of the best identified musicians of Australia – Mr. Augustus Gehde.

Canberra Citynews

and has unweariedly and perseveringly laboured as its instructor, the members begged his acceptance of a handbag of sovereigns which that gentleman, evidently a lot affected, received within the kindly spirit in which it was provided. We are glad to search out that this really pleasant technique of amusement has taken such deep root in our midst, and hope the Association will go on and prosper as efficiently as we wish them to do. Yesterday the members of the Beechworth Baptist Congregation assembled in their momentary church, Upper Ford road, to rejoice its inauguration and to welcome the arrival of the Rev. Mr. Brightwell.

in the County of Chester Professor of Music who died 17 January 1884 at Great-King-street was granted . On the 2nd prompt, at his residence, Castlereagh-street, Timothy Gearing, plasterer, aged forty two years, leaving a wife and huge family to lament their loss, and deeply regretted by an unlimited number of friends. – THIS EVENING, the celebrated English and Irish Comedian, E. GATLAND, takes his first BENEFIT at the above Theatre, when he’ll seem as Joe the Orphan,

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the music of the chants can be given. The little book, although containing the Vespers complete, is offered at the low price of 6d., and may be had at the office of this paper. We have much pleasure in recommending it to our readers. Mr. Augustus Michael Gehde passed away at Linden on September 4, on the age of 86 years.

was attended by a lot of people who appeared resolutely bent upon extracting amusement even from probably the most unpromising sources. The Choral Society gave a concert of sacred music within the School of Arts on Thursday night time. The alternatives were from eminent masters and vocal and instrumental powers were combined. Mr. Diggles presided on the harmonium, and there was a big firm of lady singers. We needn’t particularize, because the commercial gave the names of the alternatives. Mr. Gavin, on the flute,

The expenses attending the getting up of such an entertainment are essentially very heavy, and it must have been highly gratifying to the Sacred Harmonic Society to find that their endeavors to offer so nice a treat had been appreciated by the general public at giant, who, spite of mud and rain, had congregated in massive numbers.

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The brass band was dressed in a uniform with scarlet trimmings, and the drum and fife band had blue trimmings. Both performed remarkably properly, but the brass band, to which throughout three or 4 months only M. Gassner has given tuition, rendered marches, waltzes, &c., in such good time and tune as to astonish all hearers . The band of the Queen’s Own Regiment was present both days, and yesterday performed some very nice selections, together with a march founded on the air of Mr. Rayner’s song “The Australian Stockman,” a valse “The Half Hundred,” and a quadrille “La Muette,” both by M.

He acted as his Lordship’s honorary interpreter, in which capability he proved eminently useful in frequent communications with Omar Pasha, whose head-quarters were near Eupatoria. On two events, when returning to the ship, he was attacked by Cossacks, but fortunately succeeded in reaching the boat unharmed. SIR, – Will you might have the goodness to permit me to appropriate the assertion – which by some mistake has discovered its method into the Herald of Thursday – to the impact that the next Moonlight Promenade Concert might be given for the benefit of the funds of Captain Cook’s Statue. There is simply now nothing farther from our minds than to give a concert for that purpose. Not that we’re unwilling to give a concert, and even two if required,