How Urine Color Indicates Health 2023


The color of your urine varies according to your body’s hydration levels and the food you consume. However, your body sends out specific signals when you have a medical condition that requires immediate attention.

Urine is processed by the kidneys, which filter out waste products. Urine typically consists of greater than 95% water, with the remaining components consisting of both inorganic and organic substances.

The normal coloration of urine

According to medical professionals, the standard color of urine is urochrome, which has a yellow pigment. If your hydration levels are optimal, your urine will be a pale yellow, nearly transparent color.

However, if you are dehydrated, you will observe that it turns a dark amber color.

How does your urine reflect your overall health?

Sometimes the color of your urine can indicate a health condition that requires treatment. Frequently, you will observe alterations in the color and odor of your urine, which may include:
gloomy or discolored

  • Dark or discoloured
  • Bloody
  • Increased in frequency
  • Causing severe pain during urination

What causes urine color change?

Cloudy Urine

According to medical professionals, turbid urine can indicate a variety of medical conditions, including:

  • A urinary tract infection may be the cause of urine that is turbid or translucent and contains blood, pus, or excess white blood cells.
  • Cloudy urine during pregnancy may also be a sign of pre-eclampsia, a condition that causes elevated blood pressure and kidney damage after the 20th week of pregnancy.
  • Pneumaturia is a critical condition characterized by cloudy urine.

Bloody Urine

Hematuria is the presence of blood in the urine, which occurs when red blood cells escape from the urinary tract. Frequently, your crimson urine will contain clot-like structures, which can be caused by:

  • Bladder or renal stones
  • Kidney illness or damage
  • Exaggerated prostate
  • Kidney or bladder carcinoma

Orange Urine

If your urine is orange in color, you may be suffering from severe dehydration, according to physicians.
Also, the accumulation of bile in the bloodstream can frequently cause orange urine. Adult-onset jaundice can also cause orange urine, according to doctors.

Blue or Green Urine

Many times, methylene blue-containing food coloring could be the cause of this peculiar urine hue, according to medical professionals.
However, a bacterial infection caused by pseudomonas aeruginosa can also produce blue, green, or even indigo purple urine.

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