5 Lifestyle Changes for Fitness 2023

5 Lifestyle Changes for Fitness 2023

Maintaining physical fitness and health has become an integral part of nearly everyone’s existence. While many people follow diets to stay fit, others choose physical activities such as going to the gym, practicing yoga, etc.
Maintaining fitness and health may be difficult at times due to a busy schedule, but making a few simple adjustments to one’s lifestyle will help.

Dr. Dixa Bhavsar Savaliya, an expert in Ayurveda, recently posted on Instagram a list of suggested lifestyle modifications for staying healthy and fit. She wrote, “Avoid these bad habits to stay healthy.”

Adapting Your Way Of Life To Maintain Your Health

  • Without Hunger or Appetite

Hunger indicates that the previous meal was properly assimilated. When you consume food without an appetite, you overburden your liver. The ideal rule to follow is to only consume food when you are hungry. Eating without appetite can disrupt the digestive tract and slow the metabolism.

  • Sleeping post-Midnight

10 p.m. is the optimal time to fall asleep. The pitta-dominant hours of 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. indicate that your metabolism is at its apex. If you stop eating between 7 and 7:30 pm and go to bed early, it allows your digestive fire to digest everything you’ve consumed throughout the day and facilitates optimal liver detox, which helps you maintain your weight, sugar levels, energy, and most importantly, your body’s ability to absorb nutrients from the food you consume. Sleeping after midnight diminishes the quality of your sleep and disrupts your circadian rhythm, causing mental issues, vitamin deficiencies, poor digestive health, and so on.

  • Having late Dinner

It is optimal to eat supper before sunset, within an hour of sunset, or no later than 8 p.m. Late dinners after 9 p.m. may disrupt your metabolism, liver detoxification, and sleep. Over time, it can cause diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity, and cardiac problems.

  • Multi-tasking

It increases excess cortisol (stress hormone) in the body, thereby increasing susceptibility to autoimmune and lifestyle disorders. Mindfully performing one task at a time improves your working efficiency, reduces stress, and leaves you feeling more content and at ease at the end of the day.

  • Exerting yourself beyond your limits

Exercising beyond one’s capacity can lead to fatigue, bleeding disorders, dysnomia, congestion, fever, excessive thirst, and vomiting. During the chilly season, maximum exercise can be performed up until half-strength. This is shown by perspiration on the forehead, palms, and thighs. Intense Vata aggravation, tissue loss, and deficient agni can result from excessive exercise beyond the body’s capacity if a nourishing diet is not consumed. Thus, moderation is essential.


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