Diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular, and respiratory illnesses, which account for 71% of worldwide fatalities, are the largest health threat. The 2019 Global Burden of Disease Survey found that 63% of Indian fatalities are due to NCDs.
The World Economic Survey predicts NCDs would cost India $4.58 trillion between 2012 and 2030.
NCDs also cause huge financial losses. The Global Economic Survey forecasts that NCDs would cost India $4.58 trillion between 2012 and 2030. NCDs require long-term management, and catastrophic health expenditures impoverish poor households.

Multifactorial NCDs present a problem. Complex variables include human behavior, environment, and societal determinants of health like poverty and education cause them. Hence, they demand a comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach beyond health.
This area has shown intersectoral success. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of India runs the National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases, and Stroke (NPCDCS) to prevent and treat NCDs (MoHFW). FSSAI’s Eat Right India Program encourages healthy and sustainable eating and food safety.
They taught NPCDCS frontline health workers proper nutrition
Many government agencies work to solve the chronic illness risk of tobacco use. The National Tobacco Control Programme raises awareness, monitors, and offers quitting assistance. To discourage tobacco use, it collaborates with the Income Tax department and the Information and Broadcasting Ministry to oversee cigarette advertising.
Another effective example is the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, or Clean India Mission, which encompasses urban development, environment, health, and education. With behavior change initiatives and infrastructural improvements, corporates, media, government, and organizations worked together to improve cleanliness and sanitation.
A multi-sectoral approach to NCDs is essential, but it faces several obstacles. Health is a state issue in India, although the central government offers technical assistance and funding. This makes state-central coordination difficult.
Multi-sectoral strategies need coordination with education, environment, livelihoods, climate change, and health.
India is huge and diverse, adding to its complexity. NCDs disproportionately impact the poor, who suffer deep-rooted and linked systemic concerns including inadequate education, low income, and filthy living conditions. Consequently, NCD solutions must target both health and non-health causes.
NCD is underfunded. Corporate, institutional, and individual philanthropy is needed to assist non-profits like Arogya World in this field.
Many issues have remedies. Technology enables cross-sector information sharing and communication. For better decision-making, it can measure progress and offer real-time feedback. Another method for alignment is department-wide policy formulation. Coordination across sectors maximizes resources and boosts efficiency.
NCDs must be addressed urgently and cross-sectorally. Consequently, facilitating these interactions and partnerships is essential. The Eat Right India Program and NDCDCS or Swachh Bharat Abhiyan showed what we can do when we work together.